Players' Name: __________________________ Date of Injury: __/__/____
Town: _______________ Team: _______________ Coach: _______________
Location: Where specifically did the injury take place? _______________________
Home Field: _____ Away Field: _____ Other: _________________________
Explain: __________________________________________________________
Player Taken to Doctor or Hospital: Yes ___ No ___
Taken for Medical Attention by: Parents ___ Ambulance ___ Other _____________
Explain: __________________________________________________________
Were Parents Present: Yes ___ No ___
Were Parents Notified: Yes ___ No ___ Notified by Whom? _________________
Was a Local League Board Member Notified: Yes ___ No ___ Who? ____________
Write a brief description of the injury, what action was the player doing at the time of the injury.
Did the Player have to stop practice or game activity? Yes ___ No ___
Did Player return to normal practice? Yes ___ No ___ If Yes when? ____________
If Player was unable to return to normal activity, we will need a doctor's note for player to return.
Any Player that went to Doctor or Hospital must have a doctor's note to return.
Date of Injury: __/__/_____
Explain: __________________________________________________________________